Saturday, January 12, 2013

Creative Ways to Double Up Your Weekend Workout

Double Up Your Weekend Workout
Cut the time it takes to work out by squeezing more into your session by combining cardio and strength training into one. There are tons of fun ways to double up on your exercise regimen, and here are five to get you started!

  • Run first, om later: Take a run and then head to yoga, or reverse the order. Yoga can balance your mind and tone your body, but it doesn't always provide the cardio that we need. If your studio is close to where you live, even better. You can run there to get your heart rate up right before class.

  • Sweat from the bike straight into the pool: If you have a gym membership, there are many amenities open to you. You can spin at the gym and then swim in the pool after class. Not only will these different forms of exercise complement one another, but the refreshing pool will also feel great after sweating it out on a bike. Read the entire story

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