Sunday, August 4, 2013

Outrage Over SeaWorld Beached Whale Video

The fight against capturing and keeping marine life in captivity is an issue that'sgaining quite a bit of momentum, in no small part due to viral videos like the one taken by Carlo de Leonibus during a recent family outing at SeaWorld Orlando. The videoshows a young pilot whale apparently struggling to re-enter its tank after being beached on an adjoining ledge. Patrons can be heard in the background yelling for staff and trainers to assist the whale, though, according to de Leonibus, no one came to its aid for a period of at least 30 minutes. At one point, other whales in the enclosure appeared to make attempts to assist the beached animal. A staff member addresses the panic-stricken crowd over a PA system in an effort to reassure them that the behavior they are witnessing is normal, but the court of public opinion seems to have dealt SeaWorld's already damaged reputation another blow.

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